Client Stories

Noticeable improvements as a result of training has been working on corrective form and stance. Doing exercises correctly with correct form. Being aware of poor stance and learning to correct it myself without being reminded. I liked the constant mix up so I wasn’t doing the same routines. Also really working on things that worked for me. Kim got very creative when I started struggling with coming to the gym .I think many exercises were challenging to me, but Kim modified many of them or showed me ways to do them so I could. There were some I really really hated, but doesn’t mean I didn’t do them. Kim introduced me to Quinoa. Yum! Also suggested that I drink muscle milk before my morning work outs particularly since it is really hard for me to eat in the morning which is when I work out. Kim also kept me motivated to come to the gym. Now that I can’t afford to pay for training, I am way less motivated to come to the gym.

-Chris Drefs

At age 65, I decided I needed to work with a personal trainer, and I was fortunate to be able to work with Kim Ludeman. Kim was encouraging and always positive, and yet was able to “push” me to perform activities I was “sure” I “couldn’t” do. I looked forward to our twice-weekly workouts, and always felt energized and “healthier” afterward. I also appreciated her honest enthusiasm and her willingness to work out schedules and times that would accommodate me so I could get those workouts in every week! I consider Kim to be a good friend and a positive influence in my life. Thanks Kim!

-Sue Webber

I have been working with Kim since April 26, 2011. I was working with a different trainer before then and was a bit nervous about changing trainers. Kim has been just awesome in working with me. For the first at least two months I was working with Kim, I had medical restrictions due to abdominal surgery in March. For about a month, I was not allowed to sweat, doctor’s orders. I was still had permission to train, but I couldn’t sweat. I remember one Saturday morning working with Kim, and I didn’t sweat. She worked my arms that morning, but I didn’t sweat. It felt easy until the next morning when my arms and chest were just sore. I have no idea how she did it, but she worked me hard that morning and I didn’t sweat. Once I was medically cleared of all restrictions, Kim had her teeth into my good and hard. She pushes me a great deal, and she pushes me to do things I don’t think I can do. Because of that, I have learned that I need to drop the words “I can’t” from my vocabulary. I may not be able to do it right now, but working with Kim will get me to the point where I can. The greatest accomplishment I have had working with Kim is doing push-ups on my toes. I didn’t think I could, but she said, “I want you to do the inch worm the length of the gym and push ups in between, the first half on your toes.” I already had a workout up until then, but I figured I’d try. I’d trust Kim. I surprised myself and was able to do it. It’s an awesome feeling to accomplish something like that, and I know for me, I would not have gotten there if Kim hadn’t pushed me in the loving way that she does. Thank you, Kim. You are just awesome!

– Terri Morgan

My experience with Kim has been an opportunity of my life time, I literally mean it. I look at food and exercise in a whole new way. Kim has taught me how and what to eat. Not only have I lost 53 pounds, but my strength and endurance are getting better every day. I am looking forward to her help and guidance in reaching my goals. Her dedication and desire to strive toward health and wellness has made my life a lot easier (she is like an encyclopedia!). Here’s to health and fitness!

– Teresa Priestley

I started working with Kim about 11 months ago after dealing with some pain along my lower left rib cage. It hurt every day for about 3 months and while it felt muscular I could not shake it. I was taking 800mg of Motrin 3 times/day, tried massage, acupuncture and saw my physician who ordered blood tests and a CAT scan. Even though the blood work and CAT scan came back
negative my concern level was going up because nothing was helping. It was at the point where I was doing nothing physically and would come home from work and hit the recliner, driving in the car was the worst as I could find no comfortable position. I discussed this with Kim and we decided my core muscles were way out of whack and she gave me some daily exercises to do at home and focused our training on core work.

After a few short weeks the pain went away, words can’t really describe how relieved I was. I decided to keep training with her because I realized the hardest part about training is getting started. I feel better than I have in years, lost some weight, clothes fit better and feel like I can do
physically pretty much whatever I want. I also know I would not push myself as hard as she does and now that I’ve made it this far don’t really want to quit, I know I’d regret it. She also managed to get on top of some knee pain I was having by focusing in on my hips. She’s smart, a lot of fun, keeps the sessions interesting by doing something a little different each time and knows how to read her clients. She knows when to push and when to listen to a little bit of whine. She’s an outstanding trainer, has my highest recommendation and I am very grateful for her service.

-Ron Leinassar

I couldn’t say enough about my experience having Kim as a personal trainer and nutritional consultant. Not only was I able to obtain the results I wanted physically, but it was the mental help that meant the most. Kim helped me to realize what it takes physically, mentally and nutritionally to get a certain kind of result, and then she went even further and helped me to realize the kind of results that worked for my lifestyle. I am now able to achieve the perfect balance between eating well (or not so well at times), and working out that fits my lifestyle, needs and wants. But more
than the exercising and nutritional help, Kim helped me see that it is ok to be me. There are so many pressures in our world to look a certain way, but we don’t have to project those pressures on ourselves. As long as your happy with you, that is all that matters. Thank you Kim!
-Liz Clarke

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